A new launch from the National Currency and Stamp Foundation and the Bank of Spain. This is a two-euro colored coin, which will soon be launched in our country as well. And to celebrate 200 years of the National Police, the Royal Mint is minting a special medal dedicated to this important event and it is expected to be put into circulation in 2024. It is a commemorative coin of the size of a 2 euro coin.
It should be noted that the National Mint and Stamp Factory-Real Casa de la Moneda has set a price of five euros per unit through its online store. More than one million units are expected to be produced and will be released in the first quarter of next year.
In this way, this anniversary will be illuminated by a Z-type vehicle and several agents from the National Police. The obverse side of these bimetallic coins will feature the emblem of the corps, which will be accompanied by the legend “NATIONAL POLICE 1824-2024” at the top in a circular sense and in capital letters, as stated in the order issued by the Ministry of Economy and Digital Transformation in the BOE.
According to the National Currency and Stamp Foundation, the maximum volume of coins planned to be produced is 1,500,000 pieces, and they will be delivered to the Bank of Spain for circulation from the first quarter of next year. Furthermore, the legend “SPAIN” will be placed at the bottom of the front and the twelve stars of the European Union will appear around all the motifs and legends, while the back will be the same as the regular two-euro note. coin.
Another commemorative coin
This is not the first time that a coin of these characteristics has been launched. According to what was published by the Official State Gazette (BOE), the coins are intended for collecting. Their national face will be different from the usual one and will be designed to resemble a relevant event or personality. These coins will be issued with the frequency, volume and conditions required by Community regulations.
The Bank of Spain will put these coins into circulation, meeting the needs of the market, although until the actual circulation begins or its preliminary actions, the minted pieces will remain in deposit at the National Mint and the Timbre-Real Factory. de la Moneda, at the disposal of the General Directorate for Treasury and Financial Policy.